Wednesday, January 14, 2009


from the tethered hawk i tell you, you can't stop time. slipping through the hourglass into the cloudy night the water is draining fast. one month approaches on the ravaged horizon as both the hawk and his captor have been run dry. it's a disfiguring situation when you deny a bird it's prey... you've been my target for the longest time but now i have been caged and weathered by the game.

                            i am not a box with a board and pieces but a wind thirsty traveller who is ripped in two. i have a broken wing and a captured soul, my eyes are fierce with greed and gold. this is[?] just a skirmish, in the war on a three cornered point with the enlightened adored. though i have but one wing, i still have my talons and beak [i am not one for stalemates, truces, or treaties]. i'll take up arms to your disposition as it follows the temperature's days, feeding your captive or leaving it grey. 

Sunday, January 4, 2009

 a queen, no longer bound by the noose of a title. stab me in the neck, i am a traveller! [and i will do just that]

      i am a mirror to look at and remind yourself of how unkempt and spent you are. you are a beautiful liar. i can't stand in the hay while you burn it. a doctor once told me that you cannot halfway amputate a limb when it's all you've ever known. i love you but you must forget me, i am alone.