Monday, October 27, 2008


as he drives he sees and perceives the lines, but can't yet accept the rhythm of the highway life. [having never been] such a flightless bird, recounting in the jetstream as the chill and the brunt slaps with the wake of reconciliation. sometimes while in arms the thought of those lawyers [you remind me of a lawyer, and i hate lawyers.] is persistent enough to force the frigid air into the seams of his jacket, coating and dripping to lose. the car's burning.

Friday, October 10, 2008


a swollen thought between the bolts out-of-mind [out-of-blue]
i've, down these steps to the wishing well,
step fast, step smooth,
steep stepping the movement itself.
a pass, col[lap]se-
i've, floundering in light of the view.
dimming the rays while the pas[sing] tolls
sounding off those few roots' pleas, twist and fail.
the son of my father is a thief and a cheat,
i've. [cease].